I'm a poet and don't know it! I can make a rhyme any time!

Pictures, music, games, posts, and more! Just scroll down and see what's in store! Comment on a few posts and tell me what you think of my work. Look at the bottom of the page. There you will find the place where some virtual pets lurk. You may think this rhyming thing is dorky, but if you know me, you know my personality is kind of quarky! So open my blog, with fun galore, and know that next time you come on, you may get more! To read read my blog, it doesn't matter if you are a girl or boy. So just scroll down, read, listen, play, and ENJOY!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

My science class this year!

This year in school has been a blast for me! My favorite class this year was-by far-science class! Just so you know why I liked it so much, here are some examples of what happened in some of the classes: To start off, my class was full of about 9 or 10 insane boys that are all a grade older than me, so it was really entertaining to see what they would do! One time, a few weeks ago, my teacher told some of the guys to not get out of their seats. So, they took the duck tape and taped themselves to their stools! When one of them, who's name is Paul, stood up, because he taped over his shoulders too, he was all hunched over! It was really entertaining watching him try to walk all hunched over with a stool attached to his rear end! That's not the end of it. Then, to do an experiment, he had to get up onto a table to tape a balloon to the ceiling! I could not stop laughing when he tried to get up onto a table and stand up all hunched over with a stool on his bottom! Then, when another one, who's name is Trae, had to go to the bathroom, my teacher-just for laughs-made him take his chair to the bathroom with him! It was so funny! About a week ago, some of them decided to make a fort for the class hamster out of popsicle sticks and a hot glue gun! Surprisingly, the fort turned out to be pretty cool! When they put the hamster in, it got really scared. After a few minutes, the hamster went to the back of the fort, ran full speed into the opposite wall, and flipped completely over! After that, after a few tries, it finally jumped really high and climbed over the walls of the fort! It was so funny to see the boys, and my teacher, try to catch a runaway hamster! There are so many more stories for me to tell about my science class this year, but I think that is enough for now... I might write another post about some things that happened in school later. I am kind of sad that school ended because, 1: I will miss my friends, and 2: Science class is going to seem so boring for me next year compared to the one I had this year!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my Meggie!! You're so funny. I love hearing about your science class! You should type more about your '09 class. Miss you guys TONS! <3
